Why Did We Create The Oklahoma Agent Academy?

Most real estate schools are great at checking the box of what the state requires you to learn but don't actually teach you how in the world to be a real estate agent. 

The goal of this online school was to take care of the state requirements while really giving an in depth, very hands on and practical guide for Oklahoma real estate agents who are just getting started. 

We strive to provide high quality, engaging content that will teach you what you need to know as efficiently as possible and get you on your way to a thriving sales career. 
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

We're So Glad You've Made It This Far!

You didn't come this far to only come this far though, so let's get you signed up for school and off to the races!

I'm Grant Wortman

I absolutely love helping people get to where they want to go in life, business, relationships, etc... It's a passion to help launch people out into the things they dream of doing and help them find they are able to reach what they set out to do. 

I've been so impacted by so many people over the years taking time to really teach me and help me learn the steps they took to go the places they've gone. That's why I've spent so much time putting together the content on this school. I want to simply give back a bit of what I've received over the years. 

I am the proud father of 4 amazing kiddos. I'm married to an incredible woman of God who's a great writer, preacher, and momma. I own several real estate related businesses and am privileged to be surrounded by some really great co workers. 

Words I live by

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

— Walt Disney

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