30 Days to Breakthrough

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Course features
  • Author: Grant Wortman
  • Perfect For Those Needing A Kickstart
  • Video: 30 Days of Projects
Course overview
Catapult your real estate sales business in just 30 days by following this step by step guide to jumpstart your career. 
We'll give you daily videos to show you what to do. 
You take a few minutes each day to do the projects we talk about and within a month your business will be in a whole new place. You'll have created a solid platform for years of business growth.
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What's included?

  • 30 Days of Videos and Projects
  • Step By Step Guides
  • One Solid Foundation For Business

Vision, Direction, Guidance

30 Days To Breakthrough is a daily guide created to give you small bite sized projects that compound upon each other to help create an extremely solid and powerful platform to build a real estate sales business off of. 

Let's Get Productive

Each day of the 30 days you'll find a 3-10 minute training video that spells out step by step how to do that days real estate related project. 
After the video we encourage you to take 15-60 minutes to do the project. If you will complete these projects daily they will build off each other and create a springboard for success.

Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Grant Wortman

Grant Wortman is the creator of the Oklahoma Agent Academy. He currently oversees thousands of real estate transactions annual through the brokerage he founded. 
He is a serial entrepreneur and founder of multiple businesses including a real estate brokerage, real estate sales team, mortgage company, insurance company, title company, marketing company, property management company and a property investment company. 
Previously he was a professional home inspector and pastor. He has a passion to help people thrive like never before through great training and encouragement. 
Patrick Jones - Course author
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