The Oklahoma Real Estate Agent Pre License 90 Hr Course

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Course features
  • Author: Grant Wortman
  • Practice Exams: 3
  • Total time: 90 hours
  • Video teaching: 10 hours
  • Quizzes: 18
  • Final Exam: 1
Course overview
We’ve worked really hard to provide you one of the best pre license courses available in Oklahoma! This course will satisfy the OREC 90 Hr course requirement in order to take the Oklahoma Real Estate Agent License Exam.
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How The Course Works
  • We’ll have you buy a paper copy of the text book. 
  • We’ll teach you using video as we walk you through chapter by chapter highlighting key concepts. 
  • We’ll quiz you after each chapter.
  • We’ll pull in a couple experts to help even further.
  • We’ll give you study guides to prepare for the final exam.
  • Once you pass our final exam you’ll receive a certificate to take the Oklahoma Real Estate Provisional Sales Associate Exam.

About The 90 Hr Oklahoma Real Estate Pre License Course

  • 21 Chapters
  • 1 Certification
  • 500 Questions
  • 10 Hours of Videos
The text book used in this course must be purchased separately from the course itself. It can be purchased online or in store locally for less than $30. 

Teaching The Way Humans Learn

We hate reading textbooks on a computer screen. Too many real estate schools simply have you read for 90 hours on the computer and it’s awful.

We decided to do things differently. We’ve put together a course based on the science of how humans learn best.  We combine video teaching and physical paper book reading/highlighting/note taking along with quizzes and interviews to help the concepts stick. 

How The Course Works

In this course we’ll walk with you page by page through one of the best exam prep books we could find. We’ll talk you through important concepts, highlight things that you really need to pay attention to, and give you suggestions of how to run a safe and professional business in the years to come. 

Then we have you review the concepts that you’ve just learned and take quizzes to help retain what you’ve learned. 

Let’s Do This! Sign Me Up!

Course Lessons

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Meet the instructor

Grant Wortman

Grant is a real estate broker of one of the largest brokerages in Oklahoma, overseeing thousands of transactions per year and over a billion dollars in sales. He loves to help people create successful careers through real estate sales. He’s a proud father to four incredible kids and husband to one of the most amazing women on the earth. He’s the owner of a title company. He leads a small real estate sales team in OKC. 
Patrick Jones - Course author
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