Don't Get Fined! Oklahoma Real Estate Agent Code and Rules Highlights

  • Author: Grant Wortman
  • Study time: 1 hours
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Lesson series
A Guide for Oklahoma Real Estate Agents To Remember Key Rules To Avoid Getting Fines.
  • Video time: 1 hours
  • Quiz: 1

What's included?

  • 1 Hour Video Lesson
  • 1 PDF Download 
  • 20 Question Quiz
  • 1 Completion Certificate

Don't Get Fined! 1 Hr CE

Helping Oklahoma agents be aware of the most important rules and regulations to avoid being in Realtor jail. 

We All Want To Play By The Rules

But sometimes it's hard to remember what all the rules are. In this course we help reveal some of the most important rules to keep in mind as you crush it in your real estate sales career.

Course Lessons

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Meet the instructor

Grant Wortman

Grant is a real estate broker of one of the largest brokerages in Oklahoma, overseeing thousands of transactions per year and over a billion dollars in sales. He loves to help people create successful careers through real estate sales. He’s a proud father to four incredible kids and husband to one of the most amazing women on the earth. He’s the owner of a title company. He leads a small real estate sales team in OKC. 
Patrick Jones - Course author
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