Lesson series

How To Build Your Real Estate Sales Business

Learn the best strategies to effectively kick start your real estate career. We'll dive deep into what sets people apart from the 80% of real estate licensees who fail in their first few years in the business. We will interview top agents as they recall what gave them a strong foundation for success. We'll give detailed instructions on how to do nearly every aspect of the business as well as clear projects to help you know exactly what to be spending your time doing. 
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What is included with the
How To Build A Real Estate Sales Business Course?

  • 5 Courses
  • 1 Certification
  • 11 In Depth Training Videos
  • 8 Top Agent Interviews
  • 30 Days To Breakthrough


This course is all about how to get your business up off the ground. It's full of extremely practical teaching and guides to help you know what steps to take next to start generating business. 

Resources, Stories and Direction

We've pulled together some of the best resources in the industry for this course. We've spent time learning from some of the top agents in the area to learn what exactly worked for them when they got started. And we give you specific homework to build your business the way you want to. 

Course Lessons

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Meet the instructor
Grant Wortman is the creator of the Oklahoma Agent Academy. He currently oversees thousands of real estate transactions annual through the brokerage he founded. 
He is a serial entrepreneur and founder of multiple businesses including a real estate brokerage, real estate sales team, mortgage company, insurance company, title company, marketing company, property management company and a property investment company. 
Previously he was a professional home inspector and pastor. He has a passion to help people thrive like never before through great training and encouragement. 
Patrick Jones - Course author
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